
来源:网络(转载) 作者:孙少华 发表于:2011-09-08 14:48  点击:
[19]萧统. 文选[M]. 北京:中华书局,1977. [20]桓谭. 新论,朱谦之辑[M]. 北京:中华书局,2009. [21]段玉裁. 说文解字注[M]. 上海:上海古籍出版社,1981. [22]刘勰. 文心雕龙颂赞,范文澜注[M]

  [19]萧统. 文选[M]. 北京:中华书局,1977.
  [20]桓谭. 新论,朱谦之辑[M]. 北京:中华书局,2009.
  [21]段玉裁. 说文解字注[M]. 上海:上海古籍出版社,1981.
  [22]刘勰. 文心雕龙·颂赞,范文澜注[M]. 北京:人民文学出版社,1998.
  Ode to Virtue of Drinking of LIU Ling and Its Relation with Habits of Eating Panacea and Drinking in Tao
  SUN Shao-hua1,2
  (1. School of literature and Communication, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong 250100; 2. Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100735, China)
  Abstract:Ode to Virtue of Drinking of LIU Ling is an article aiming at describing “noble man” possessing Tao and revealing the hypocrisy of “aristocracy and gentry”. LIU Ling likes drinking not as “a protection of himself” or “disrespect of rite or law”, but a reflection of the culture in Wei and Jin Dynasty of nourishing oneself by eating panacea. His drinking and eating are related with refining his craft of “concealment”. Ode to Virtue of Drinking actually originates not only from the idea of pursuing immortality in Tao, but also from Confucianism.
  Key words: LIU Ling; Ode to Virtue of Drinking; drinking; eating panacea

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