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“Differentiation of Clan” on the Part of Korea Court towards Ming Dynasty and Its Political Significance
GAO Yan-lin
(School of Literature,HeiLongjiang University,Harbin, HeiLongjiang 150080,China)
Abstract: Complete Codes of Ming Dynasty printed in Period of Zhengde of Ming Dynasty catches the attention of emperor and officials of Korea court due to the quotation of the evaluation of Korea by ZHU Yuan-zhang in Huamg Ming Teachings. They argue and distinguish for a long time the two issues of “clan” and “killing of four princes”. It happens mainly in Jia Jing and Wan Li periods and ends with the addition of the dispute on the Korean clan into Complete Codes of Ming Dynasty. In this activity, Korea court not only gains chance to dispute, but also achieves the purpose of proving its legality and etiquette to Ming Dynasty, who responds actively to the dispute and consolidates the integration between the two courts.
Key words: Ming Dynasty; Korea Court; dispute and distinguishing the clan
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