。 通过诸如此类的外部合作,C40在国际层面的影响力不断提升,城市层面的声音通过。
结 语
朱莉•圣安妮(Julie-Anne Boudreau)提到全球化时代下城市政治的集中性倾向。她认为全球化下的分权化趋势使城市的地位和作用不断提升,成为全球环境治理的主要行为者(注:Julie-Anne Boudreau,“The centrality of urban politics in a global era”, Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association,2007.)。城市在成为人类文明聚合体的同时,也在气候变化等全球环境危机面前变得更为脆弱,城市层面的气候变化倡议也随之而生。相比于国家,城市拥有更多的治理弹性,而且不会因为战略利益而发生冲突,而在国家层面这种利益冲突会比较多;其次城市在资源动员能力、地区战略贯彻能力以及绿色技术规范创新力上都有一定的优势。随着城市本身“行为体性”的强化,一种基于城市层面的跨国城市网络气候治理以一种更加灵活的方式展开, 这种地区实践也恰恰符合了“全球思考、地方行动”的逻辑,促使城市层面在全球气候治理中发挥着开拓者的作用,作出先驱性的贡献。
目前在中国的“十二五规划建议”当中,限制温室气体排放已经成为一个约束性指标正式进入了国家规划。与此同时,2010年中国国家发改委提出开展低碳城市的试点方案,天津、重庆、深圳、厦门、杭州、南昌、贵阳、保定这8个城市成为第一批试点城市。2011年应国家发改委要求,这8个试点城市将各地的低碳建设方案纳入本地“十二五”经济和社会发展规划。除此之外,还有很多中国城市也提出了自身的低碳发展倡议,旨在制定相应的低碳规划实施方案以及建立低碳生产和消费模式规范,这些都显示出了中国城市致力于地方层面气候治理的决心和努力。同时,很多中国城市已加入了各种不同的跨国城市气候网络,如北京、上海和香港都是C40以及ICLEI的成员,重庆、杭州、哈尔滨、广州、天津都是亚洲清洁空气倡议网络(Member of Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities)的成员等等。所以在未来的低碳城市发展进程中,通过跨国城市气候网络,加强同其他国际城市最优实践的交流,分享相关的治理经验,促进在低碳技术上的合作,有利于中国城市进一步融入到全球气候治理的框架中,向国际社会展示中国地方层面在应对气候变化上的已有成绩以及实践努力。另外,随着中国城市加入跨国城市气候网络数量的增多以及活动能力增强,还可以强化中国地方层面在全球气候治理中的话语权和影响力,让世界进一步了解发展中国家城市在应对气候变暖的地方行动中真正的需求和挑战所在。总而言之,跨国城市气候网络的发展为“后京都”时代全球多层气候善治模式的建立,提供了一种新的互动层面和路径选择。
(责任编辑:李 申)
Transnational Municipal Climate Networks
in the Global Climate Governance: with Case Study of C40
Li Xinlei Ren Xiangrong
With the development of globalization, cities, as the significant economic, political and cultural polymers in the sub-national level, have become important nodes in the global network and key actors in the global climate governance. The vulnerability of cities in the global warming issue urges them to take their own advantages of resources, information and advanced technology to fight against the climate change. Furthermore, the joint local responding actions to climate challenges have furthered the formation of transnational municipal climate networks and this kind of networked governance has provided constructing platforms to enhance the exchanges and cooperation between cities as well as to accumulate the municipal influence on the global level. From the vertical perspective, transnational municipal climate networks have added a new sub-national interacting level to the global climate governance; from the horizontal perspective, these networks have attracted more local actors to participate in the climate initiative activities and enlarge the executing space of environmental policy. Moreover, transnational municipal climate networks also play a role of technological innovation entrepreneur and normative diffusion promoter. Finally through cooperating with various outer actors actively, this elastic networks will construct a leverage influence on the global climate governance.
Global Climate Governance; Transnational Municipal Networks; C40