
来源:网络(转载) 作者:韩晗 发表于:2012-04-13 13:29  点击:
参考文献:[1]张创新.中国政治制度史[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2008. [2]Paul Krugman; Anthony J. Venables, Globalization and the Inequality of Nations[J]. The Quarterly Journal of Economics,

  [2]Paul Krugman; Anthony J. Venables, Globalization and the Inequality of Nations[J]. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 110, No. 4. (Nov.1995).
  [责任编辑 赵 春]Resource Optimization, Scientific Development and Institutional Innovation: Also on How the United Front Serves the Building of “Two-Oriented Society”
  HAN Han
  (College of Chinese Language and Literature, Wuhan University of China, Wuhan, Hubei 430070)
  Abstract: In a period of social transition, a “united front” that has “team” elements exerts important effects in optimizing human resources while the building of a “two-oriented society” requires optimization of material resources. Practice has proved that the combination of these two promotes the optimization of overall social resources, effectively enhances social efficiency, and reach scientific development. However, all these depend on institutional innovation. “United Front” based service for a “two-oriented society” can effectively increase the values in such three important indexes in the context of globalization as “the usage rate of social resources,” “enthusiasm of citizens to participate in social construction,” and “the overall social effectiveness including cultural development.”
  Key Words: united front; two-oriented society; resource optimization; scientific development; institutional innovation

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