取《易纬》驳谶符: 扬雄与谶纬学说(5)

来源:网络(转载) 作者:解丽霞 发表于:2011-06-24 10:34  点击:
【关健词】扬雄; 《太玄》; 《易纬》; 谶符
, 《法言》中多有批评当时今文经学言谶符的条目, 足以证明《剧秦美新》并非扬雄之常言。现列几条《法言》反对谶符的例子如下:  黄帝终始。曰: 托也。昔者姒氏治水土, 而巫步多禹; 扁鹊, 卢人也, 而医多卢

  , 《法言》中多有批评当时今文经学言谶符的条目, 足以证明《剧秦美新》并非扬雄之“常言”。现列几条《法言》反对谶符的例子如下: 
  黄帝终始。曰: 托也。昔者姒氏治水土, 而巫步多禹; 扁鹊, 卢人也, 而医多卢。夫欲仇伪者必假真。禹乎?卢乎?终始乎?
  甚矣, 传书之不果也。曰: 不果则不果矣, 又以巫鼓。
  象龙之制雨也, 难矣哉!
  或问: 赵世多神, 何也?曰: 神怪茫茫, 若存若亡, 圣人曼云。223、319、212、227
  《法言》对谶纬之假托、今文之“巫鼓”、“象龙制雨”之虚妄、神怪仙人之荒诞, 既作了批判, 又说之以儒家的仁义道德, 这也是多数人认为扬雄是在桓谭、王充、张衡之前反对今文谶纬的先锋的重要依据。
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  [5](南朝•宋)范晔. 后汉书 [M]. 北京: 中华书局, 1965.
  [6](清)张惠言. 易纬略义 [M]//顾廷龙. 续修四库全书(第40册). 上海: 上海古籍出版社, 1996: 537-582.
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  [9]安居香山, 中村璋八. 纬书集成 [M]. 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1994.
  [10](清)朱彝尊. 经义考 [M]. 北京: 中华书局, 1998.
  [11]林忠军. 易纬导读 [M]. 济南: 齐鲁书社, 2002.
  [12]郑万耕. 太玄校释 [M]. 北京: 北京师范大学出版社, 1989.
  [13]林贞爱. 扬雄集校注 [M]. 成都: 四川大学出版社, 2001.
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  [15](清)王引之. 经义述闻 [M]. 南京: 江苏古籍出版社, 2000.
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   Use of Yi wei for the Refutation of Chen fu: Yang Xiong and the
  Theory of Confucianist Divination
  Xie Lixia
  (Institute of Philosophy, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640,
  Guangdong, China)
  Abstract: The relationship between Yang Xiong and the theory of confucianist divination is complicated and entangled, and the reason is that there had once been a dispute over the question whether Chen and Wei was similar or different. If we put the materials on controversy between Chen and Wei in order, we will find the truth that the conclusions made by the disputers were identical, but their basic stands were different. Chen and Wei were different in content and terminology. Based on this, the relationship between Yang Xiong and the theory of confucianist divination will be clear. Yang Xiong made use of the theory of universe generation, the order of the number forming, the azimuthal permutation of Yi number, Gua-qi theory, and so on only to refute Chen fu which is vulgar and cheating.
  keywords: Yang Xiong; Tai xuan; Yi wei; Chen fu

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