
来源:网络(转载) 作者:孙赫男 发表于:2011-09-08 14:50  点击:

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  On the Critic Characteristics of the Quatrains
  Commenting on Ci-poetry in Mid-Qing Dynasty
  SUN He-nan1,2
  (1.Institute of Ancient Documents, Jilin University, Changchun 130012;
  2.Institute of Literature, CASS, Beijing 100735)
  Abstract:It is an important developing historical period of quatrains commenting on Ci-poetry in mid-Qing Dynasty. There werenearly 30 people and more than 280 pieces of quatrains commenting on Ci-poetry then, which demonstrated the number was bigger than the previous scholars’. And in particular, numerous quatrains commenting on Ci-poetry including “Ping-ci” or “Lun-ci” appeared in the title showed some critical consciousness. And affected by Western Zhejiang Ci-poetry Clique and Qian-Jia academic atmosphere, they praised Jiangkui and Zhangyan highly, and paid much attention to the origin and the textual data of Ci-poetry. All these showed that the style of quatrains commenting on Ci-Poetry was stereotyped in mid-Qing Dynasty, which had important theoretical and critical value.
  Key words: Mid-Qing dynasty; quatrains commenting on Ci-poetry; stereotyped

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