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Investigation into the Efficacy of Promise on the Part of
the Victim in Unpremeditated Crime
LING Ping-ping,JIAO Ye
(School of Public Administration, Nanjing University of Imformation,
Science and Technology,Nanjing, Jiangsu 210044, China)
Abstract: In theory of criminal law, scholars study on the promise of the victim from the perspective of intentional crime. In unpremeditated crime, the acknowledgement of the efficacy of promise according to criminal law on the part of the victim is important due to the intentionality of the victim and the unpremeditatedness of the doer. To investigate into the efficacy of the promise on the part on the victim from the perspective of doer is a new angle in this field. Investigations should be carried out in aspects such as probability of risks, the prevention duty of doer, the degree of knowing of the risks of one’s promise on the part of the victim and way of expression of the promise so as to achieve a correct positioning of the efficacy of promise in unpremeditated crime.
Key words: victim; promise; duty of notice
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