
来源:网络(转载) 作者:胡国胜 发表于:2012-04-13 13:37  点击:
【关健词】苏维埃;中国共产党;中国革命 
[15]中央革命根据地史料选编:下[M].南昌:江西人民出版社,1982. [16]亚伯纳柯恩.权力结构与符号象征[M].台北:台湾金枫出版社,1987. [17]凯特纳什,阿兰斯科特.布莱克维尔政治社会学指南[M].杭州:浙江

  [责任编辑 刘 滢]The Symbol of Revolution: The Spread and Influence of Soviet in China
  HU Guosheng
  (School of Politics and Administration school, South China Normal University; Guangzhou 510631)
   Abstract: Soviet is a transliteration of a Russian terms that means conference. More symbolic than their original meaning after “Soviet” came to China, it becomes a symbol of revolutionary identity. “Soviet” is presented to demonstrate the beginning of CCP’s independent exploration of Chinese revolutionary road; “Soviet’s” development shows the attempts of CCP local administration; “Soviet’s” end reflects CCP’s maturity in adapting Marxism to Chinese conditions. Despite the fact that the duration of “Soviet” in China is not long from the beginning to the end, it brings important influence on Chinese revolution.
  Key words: Soviet; CCP; Chinese Revolution

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