
来源:网络(转载) 作者:邓纲 发表于:2012-03-06 00:25  点击:
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  Controversy and Dilemma: Legal Liability in Economic Law
  DENG Gang
   (Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing 401120, China) 
  More than twenty years has slipped by since the topic of legal liability was studied in the economic law area. Based on the general theory of legal liability, a variety of doctrines have been developed. However, there still exist arguments about the designation and separateness of the legal liability adopted in economic law whereas certain consensus has been reached on the features of the legal liability. As for the modes of specific liabilities, while inheriting directly and indirectly the traditional legal liabilities, economic law exhibits some unique obligatory features in the aspects of corporate social liability, defective product recall, punitive damages, and corrective advertising remedy. The controversy and dilemma concerning the study indicate a universal conflict in the field of terminology between economic law and other laws. Thus the effortless researching approach of adding “economy” or “economic” to traditional terms seems worthy of reconsidering.
  Key Words: economic law; legal liability; research review 

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