
来源:nylw.net 作者:李彬 熊文靓 发表于:2015-07-23 10:38  点击:

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[ 责任编辑   李 颖 ]
The Deconstruction of Japanese Two-dimensional Animation Industry System Based on the Theory of Dissipative Structure
LI Bin, XIONG Wen-jing
(Japanese Studies Institute of Liaoning University, Liaoning Shenyang 110136, China Philosophy and Public Administration of Liaoning University, Liaoning Shenyang 110136,China)
Abstract: In recent years, Japanese two-dimensional animation industry has become the focus of the debate in animation industry. Based on the theory of dissipative structure, the deconstruction of Japanese two-dimensional animation industry system is found to be far from equilibrium, nonlinear, mutability and fluctuation etc. The support system of Japanese two-dimensional animation industry system mainly includes the support from the government, intellectual property act, investment and financing. system. Taking examples from Japan's experience, countermeasures are ought to be taken, that establishing incentive care mechanism, creating a platform of cross-disciplines, increasing information technology investment, and "going out" to "blend in", on the current situation of the development of animation industry in China.

  Keywords: Japan; the Theory of Dissipative Structure; the Theory of Entropy Change; Two-dimensional Animation Industry 

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