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(责任编辑 文 格)
The Development of Water Conservancy and Employment on Farmland with Resource Input
(Department of Sociology,Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, China)
Abstract:The release of the “No.1 Document” in 2011 means a large scale of water resource put into villages,which is a good opportunity for the improvement of the construction of water conservancy facilities on farmland.In order to ensure all the resources can be used on the “cutting edge”,this essay attempts to examine and reflect on the current input mode of water recourses from three dimensions:the object of water resource input,the input channel of water resources and the villages organizing and undertaking the input of water resources.
Key words:farmland water conservancy;resources input;food security;large water conservancy;small water conservancy
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