
来源:网络(转载) 作者:毛蕴诗,金娅婷,吴东 发表于:2011-08-26 10:09  点击:
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  Research on Transformation and Upgrading of Textile Enterprises
  in Chinese Mainland Based on the Success Experience
  of Taiwan Textile Industry
  Mao Yunshi,Jin Yating,Wu Dongxu
  (School ofManagement, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China)
  Abstract:In 1990s, under the pressures imposed by rising costs,more rigid environmental protection requirements and other factors,Taiwan textile enterprises were forced to move out of the island one after another,while the remaining ones achieved the overall transformation and upgrading. In this paper,we study and compare the textile industries in Chinese mainland with Taiwan district,and further conduct research on Taiwan Makalot Industrial Co.,Ltd and Everest Textile Co.,Ltd. Two possible directions to realize transformation and upgrading are proposed. The first solution is to extend toward both sides such as R&D and marketing so as to increase the added value. The other is to lower input and consumption by adopting green and environmental protection measures. The proposals for transformation and upgrading for textile enterprises in Chinese mainland are given in the final part.
  Key words: transformation and upgrading;green and environmental protection;Makalot Industrial Co.,Ltd;Everest Textile Co., Ltd

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