The Different Effects of Using Chlorella Vulgaris and Spirulina Platensis to Remove Soluble Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Paddy Wastewater
YANG Ze-kun ZHANG Quan-xing YANG Xue-ling YANG Hong
(Guangdong Experimental High School, Guangzhou Guangdong, 510375)
【Abstract】With the increasing development of China's economy, environment has been bearing more and more pressure. In particular, the problem of water eutrophication is also one of the important issues and attracts much attention around the world. Considering the algae has excellent ability to absorb the nutrition salts, herein, we choose Spirulina platensis and Chlorella vulgaris to explore them to remove salt contained nitrogen and phosphorus element. These 2 kinds of algae were kept in the water from paddy field located in Lufeng county (south china), kept ventilation during the experimental period and used tap water as blank control. The results showed that the Chlorella vulgaris is more effective on the aspect of suitability and competitiveness of absorbing soluble nitrogen and phosphorus by comparison with Spirulina platensis. Although Chlorella vulgaris has a storage phosphor system, which is consistent with previous reported literatures, however, the phosphorus is released again into the water from the decomposition after its death. Under the natural environmental conditions, it is not easy for Chlorella vulgaris to be dominant species due to other existing algae and complicated environmental factors, which limits them to exert its function. Therefore, it is necessary to take appropriate method to make Chlorella vulgaris be dominant species in paddy field to eliminate the extra nitrogen and phosphorus, and at the same time we need to pay attention to remove excess chlorella in time to avoid the secondary pollution. In conclusion, all of these actions are useful to reduce pollution in freshwater.
【Key words】Chlorella vulgaris; Spirulina platensis; Nitrogen and phosphorus; Paddy wastewater; Nitrogen and phosphorus eutrophication; Environmental protection
0 前言
藻类是一类生活于水体中的微小植物,能够在生长过程中吸收水体中的营养盐。藻类是低等生物,具有以下特征:个体差异大,绝大多数是自养原殖体,无不育细胞存在。这些特征决定它在污水净化方面具有以下功能:首先,藻类与好氧细菌形成藻菌共生系统,促进对污水中有机物的氧化分解。其次,藻类吸收污水中的氯、磷,合成自身需要的有机物,显著降低污水中氨磷的限度。再者,藻类的富集作用可用于清除污水中有毒重金属离子和放射性元素,或回收贵重金属离子和微量元素。此外,藻类本身也可以作为肥料,饵料甚至食品或保健品加以利用,成本低廉且具有较高的经济价值。 过度施肥是导致农业污染的最重要原因之一,这也往往导致农业废水中的氮、磷等营养元素含量过高,并随着它们的排放进而污染自然水域,从而引起水体潜在的富营养化风险。在我国南方稻田随处可见,而且稻田水往往与自然水体相通,因此氮、磷含量较高的稻田水排进自然水体也是造成水域污染和引起富营养化的一个重要原因。
螺旋藻隶属蓝藻门,蓝藻纲,藻殖段目,颤藻科,螺旋藻属。有关螺旋藻的培养技术、应用价值及商品化生产等问题国内外已进行大量研究, 而直接利用生活污水培养,在国内外尚少见报道生活污水不仅能培养营养价值较高的螺旋藻,且可利用该藻有效地去除污水中的氮,磷和有机质,加上该藻藻丝大(300-500um),生长旺盛时成片上浮,易于采收,该藻又具广盐性,在淡水、海水中均可生长等优点,可为防止污水排放而造成的富营养化超控制作用,当然还需要在室外进行现场验证,并适当进行半人工生态调控。但用它们在稻田水中的生态作用还不够明确,这方面的实验也较少。
小球藻属于绿藻门、绿藻纲、小球藻属。目前世界上已知的小球藻有十几种,加上它的变种可达数百种之多。由于小球藻生态分布广,易于培养,生长速度快,是进行生物技术研究的良好材料。小球藻也是水体中的初级生产者,营养价值较高,可作为鱼类等水生动物的饵料,在污染物沿食物链传递的过程中起着重要作用。曾有研究肯定了藻类对污水中氮、磷等营养物的去除作用和效果。小球藻(ChloreaUa sorokiniana)除具备上述除氮磷能力外,还具备去除多种重金属离子的能力。
1 材料与方法
1.1 稻田水
1.2 藻种及培养
本试验选取两种具有代表性的常见藻——钝顶螺旋藻(Spirulina platensis)和小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris),藻种来源于中科院武汉水生生物研究所藻种室,试验在暨南大学水生所413实验室进行,得到了相关老师的指导和帮助
1.3 测试方法