
来源:网络(WWW.NYLW.NET) 作者:陈艳春 韩伯棠 发表于:2011-05-16 12:08  点击:
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  责任编辑:孙 飞
  责任校对:关 华
  Research on Knowledge Spillover between Enterprises Based on the Weighted Super-network
  Chen Yanchun, Han Botang
  Abstract: Enterprise knowledge spillovers conceptual model is built because multiple relationships between enterprise knowledge spillovers can be analyzed from the network characteristics, individual properties and their relationship based on super-network, Enterprise knowledge spillovers mathematical model is built based on the conceptual model and M.C.J. Caniels knowledge spillovers model. Research shows that the maximum of enterprise knowledge spillover exists under ideal conditions. Enterprise is affected by embedded super network, extreme value of knowledge spillover effects is the function of social relations and enterprise knowledge stock, and the synergy of social relations and enterprise knowledge stock is the main factor of knowledge spillovers speed.
  Key words: weighted super-network; knowledge spillover; knowledge stock;model

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