
来源:网络(转载) 作者:龙静 李延喜 发表于:2011-08-26 09:43  点击:
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  Review of Behavioral Finance:Origin,Orientation and Research in China
  Long Jing,Li Yanxi
  (School of Management and Economics,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China)
  Abstract:As for the defects of rational hypothesis and efficient market hypothesis for the modern finance,the behavioral finance presents bounded rationality and the ineffective market based on psychology and ethology in order to explain the anomalies in financial market. It is the powerful challenge to the modern finance. The biggest difference between them is their different research purpose. Modern finance is a description of the individual economy of optimal decision-making behavior,and behavioral finance describes the economic individual's real decision-making behavior in real life. On the basis of the literatures at home and abroad,this paper summarizes the origin,orientation of the financial behavior,and puts forward the current financial behavior framework and its prospect of research in China.
  Key words: behavioral finance;modern finance;bounded rationality;cognitive deviation;the uneffective market

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