【Legge译本】There is a limit to our life,but to knowledge there is no limit.
【Watson译本】Your life has a limit,but knowledge has none.
【译文对比分析】Legge译本,从句式上来说比较工整,也较为准确的传达了原文所想要传达的意思,用了“There be”这一在英语表达中常用的句型即:无灵主语句,在表达上也更为客观,更符合英语的表达习惯,而Watson译本采用了“has”来表达“有”的概念。实际上这种表达方式在英文的表达方式中并不是最佳的选择,因为角度没有“There be”客观,还有“knowledge has none”,译文的读者很容易理解成“然而知识什么都没有”,没有把原文的意思很准确的传达出来。
【Legge译】With what is limited to pursue after what is unlimited is a perilous thing;and when,knowing this,we still seek the increase of our knowledge,the peril cannot be averted.
【Watson译】If you use what is limited to pursue what has no limit,you will be in danger. If you understand this and still strive for knowledge,you will be in danger for certain!
【分析】:两个译本都存在对原文理解上的错误,将“殆”理解成为了“危险”,“追求知识”和“危险”没有什么内在联系,所以这里的“殆”是通假字,通“怠”,理解为“疲困不堪”,“已而为知者,殆而已矣!”较上一层“以有涯随无涯,殆已!”在所表达的意义上有递进的关系。这一点在Watson和Legge的译本中都没有体现出来。建议将这句话改译为“If you use what is limited to pursue what has no limit,you will be tired. If you understand this and still strive for knowledge,you will be much more tired for certain!”
【Legge译】Accordance with the Central Element(of our nature)is the regular way to preserve the body,to maintain the life,to nourish our parents,and to complete our term of years.
【Waston译】Follow the middle;go by what is constant,and you can stay in one piece,keep yourself alive,look after your parents,and live out your years.
【分析】两个译本对原文的理解都存在不太准确的地方,原文中的“督”应理解为“自然的法则”,Legge译本译成了“Central Element of our element”,而Watson译本成了“Middle”,这里的“经”应该翻译为“Natural Laws”,对“保身”、“全生”、“养亲”这三个词的理解,两个译本也都存在理解不到位的地方,“保身”的“身”不是简单指身体,而是通假字,通“生”,生命的意思,“全生”的“生”不是指生命,而是通“性”,“全生”意思是保全天性。“养亲”应理解为“养护身体”。所以建议原文改译为“Follow the natural laws constantly,you can maintain your life and preserve your natural instincts,stay in health and live out your years.”
【Legge译】His cook was cutting up an ox for the ruler W?n-hui. Whenever he applied his hand,leaned forward with his shoulder,planted his foot,and employed the pressure of his knee,in the audible ripping off of the skin,and slicing operation of the knife,the sounds were all in regular cadence.
【Watson译】Cook Ting was cutting up an ox for Lord Wen hui. At every touch of his hand,every heave of his shoulder,every move of his feet,every thrust of his knee zip!zoop!He slithered the knife along with a zing,and all was in perfect rhythm,as though he were performing the dance of the Mulberry Grove or keeping time to the Ching shou music.
【分析】Legge译本中将“文惠君”翻译为“ruler W?n-hui”,而Watson的译本译为“Lord Wen hui”。“ruler”能很好地体现“文惠君”在政治上的地位,但春秋战国时期,群雄逐鹿,有很多小国。为了体现当时小国林立,国家尚未统一的局面,应该译为“regional ruler”,“W?n-hui”采用的是威特玛氏标音法能更好的为西方读者所接受,而“lord”一词多用于宗教方面指宗教首领,用在此处显得有些不合适,还有原文中将厨师分解牛身体时发出的有节奏的声响比喻为美妙的音乐旋律,桑林舞曲的节奏。这个比喻在Legge译本中这个比喻没有体现出来,仅仅是用“the sounds were all in regular cadence”来概括,而Watson译本采用了英文中相对应的拟声词,来尽可能形象和完整的传达原文所想要表达的意思,对于动词的把握也更为精准,易得更加出彩。“经首”是指传说中帝尧时代的乐曲名,在译本中应该向读者解释清楚,以免造成理解上的困难,这点两个译本都没有做到。 (责任编辑:南粤论文中心)转贴于南粤论文中心: http://www.nylw.net(代写代发论文_广州毕业论文代笔_广州职称论文代发_广州论文网)