
来源:南粤论文中心 作者:刘云波 发表于:2014-10-24 12:05  点击:

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  An Empirical Analysis on the Structure of Majors among Private Vocational Colleges in China
  LIU Yun-bo
  (China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)
  Abstract Major-setup is perceived as a crucial part of the cultivation of talents in higher vocational colleges. Based on empirical analysis of the major structures of private higher vocational colleges nationwide in China, three results as follows are presented in this article: Firstly, in private vocational colleges, the majors in agriculture, forestry, water conservancy which belong to the primary and secondary industries are in inadequate; secondly, in the comprehensive and private colleges, majors in business and liberal arts take higher percentage in quantity, while majors in science and engineering take less; as for the polytechnic and private colleges, the character of industries does not distinctively reflected through their structures of majors. Based on the results of location quotient calculations, most of the private colleges have not presented significant advantages of majors cluster. In short, under the “competitive pressure” and “imitative pressure”, the private vocational colleges in China converges with its public vocational colleges in the structure of majors; and the “complementary function” play stronger role than “differentiation demand” effect in private vocational colleges in China.
  Key words private higher vocational colleges; type of institutions; majors clusters; majors structure

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