综合类高校艺术设计学科的教育优势与不足并存。各高校特有的教学资源优势为其形成独特的学科特点提供了可能, 但如果在基础教学课程体系缺乏与专业设计课程体系之间形成有效衔接, 则会在一定层面上直接影响艺术设
综合类高校艺术设计学科的教育优势与不足并存。各高校特有的教学资源优势为其形成独特的学科特点提供了可能, 但如果在基础教学课程体系缺乏与专业设计课程体系之间形成有效衔接, 则会在一定层面上直接影响艺术设计学科教育的整体水平。因此, 从综合类高校艺术设计学科教育的特点与规律出发, 发现存在于现行基础教学体系框架内影响教学质量的共性因素, 通过对基础教学体系架构的合理优化与重构, 以期达到进一步完善艺术设计学科教学体系和提高人才培养质量的目的。参考文献:
[1]叶萍, 李小红. 设计基础 [M]. 南昌:江西美术出版社, 2006.[ZK)]
[2]周至禹. 设计素描 [M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2006.[ZK)]
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A New Framework of Basic Teaching System of Artistic Design
Discipline in Comprehensive Universities
Men Delai, HU Xiaoping
(School of Design, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, Guangdong, China)
Abstract: Through the analysis of the general features of artistic design teaching system in some comprehensive universities, this paper reveals the existing problems of effective docking between basic teaching and specialized courses, as well as factors affecting student's development in the professional field. Based on this, it proposes the assumptions of optimizing and reconstructing the framework of basic teaching system. By offering bridge courses, we have tried to satisfy the specific requirements of various majors, in order to perfect the artistic design teaching system and further improve the quality for talents cultivation.
keywords: artistic design disciplines; basic teaching system; new framework
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