Comparison between Chinese and English Animal Idioms(2)

来源:网络(WWW.NYLW.NET) 作者:郭薇 发表于:2011-04-28 10:57  点击:
【关健词】animal idioms;cultural differe
In China, chook is the plainest poultry in countryside. Before the invention of clock, people were informed the break of the day by the crow of chooks, thus we get the idiom 一唱雄鸡天下白. Once a st

In China, chook is the plainest poultry in countryside. Before the invention of clock, people were informed the break of the day by the crow of chooks, thus we get the idiom “一唱雄鸡天下白”. Once a studious person got up to practice martial art as soon as he heard the cock heralded the break of the day. His story was spread and concluded as an idiom “闻鸡起舞”.
  Unlike ox in China, horse is usually used for agriculture in Britain. Besides, horse racing is one of the most old-line sports as well as a popular and important activity in English. Naturally idiom about horse is used frequently and widely in English, such as “horse sense”, “back the wrong horse” and “a dark horse” etc.
  3 Conclusion
  Language is the carrier of culture and idiom is the essence of language. Historical, geographical, religious, literary and conventional factors make them produce different feelings toward animals. From the comparison between Chinese and English animal idioms, language learners could understand better their cultures. Since animals are close to people’s life, studying on their images releases learners’ feeling of anxiety.

