
来源:网络(转载) 作者:梅洁 严华麟 发表于:2012-01-17 11:50  点击:
五、 结论及启示 本文研究结果表明:基金持股有助于改善所持股公司的信息披露质量,且随着基金持股比例的增加,所持股公司的信息披露质量随之提升。信息披露质量的提升能够有效缓解上市公司与投资者之间的信息不

  五、 结论及启示
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  A Research on the Improvement Effect of Fund Shareholdingsof Corporate Transparency: Empirical Evidence from ListedCompanies of SSE Between 2004~2010
  MEI Jie1, YAN Hualing2
  (1. Department of Finance, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China;
  2. Department of Finance, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing 211815,China)
  Abstract: The question that whether the securities investment fund plays an important role in the supervision advantage and outside governance of shareholding companies has always been the focus of study. This paper explores the effect of fund shareholdings on the improvement of corporate disclosure level by evaluating the value of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange between 2004~2010 as the measure of information disclosure level of listed companies. We find that fund shareholdings do have a remarkable influence on the improvement of corporate transparency. With the increase of fund shareholdings, the quality of information disclosure of the target company improves.
  Key Words: securities investment fund; information disclosure quality; fund shareholdings; company governance level; information asymmetry

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